Privacy Policy

Your Personal Information and how we use it.

Sunderland City Council’s Heritage Team need to collect information about you where you wish to be kept informed about, and in some cases where you choose to attend, an event or programme that the Council and its partners are delivering. We will only use information collected lawfully in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and future UK Data Protection legislation. We will not use any information we hold about you for any purpose other than that for which it was collected, unless we have obtained your consent beforehand.

Personal Information with regards ‘Magical History Tour’ Mobile App

What information do we collect?

We collect no information in ‘Magical History Tour’ Mobile App

The type of information we will collect:-

We collect no personal information in ‘Magical History Tour’ Mobile App

Do we share information about you with anyone?

We collect no information in ‘Magical History Tour’ Mobile App and therefore do not share it.

The lawful basis on which we use information

We need to collect and use your personal data in order to secure your application and attendance at an event and to comply with any statutory obligations underpinning the delivery of an event. This legislation includes the:

Our lawful bases for processing are therefore as we have both a statutory obligation as defined by Article 6(1)(c) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and for the performance of the contract between us as the organiser and you as the attendee, as defined by Article 6(1)(b). In addition, we process your information as it is in our legitimate interest to do so in order to operate and manage theHeritage service, as defined by Article 6(f) of GDPR.

How we look after your information

We collect no information in ‘Magical History Tour’ Mobile App

How long we will look after your information

We will keep information in line with Sunderland City Council’s Retention Schedules for Heritage, and we will only keep it as long as we need it. When we no longer need your information it will be destroyed securely by deletion of electronic records and shredding of paper files.

Requesting access to your personal data

You can find out if we hold any personal information about you by making a ‘subject access request’ under the General Data Protection Regulation. In addition, you have the right to request the rectification or erasure of your personal data, and to object to, or request restriction of, processing your data. If you have any concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal information, we request that you raise your concern with us in the first instance.

Alternatively, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at

Further information

Contact Us

Data Protection Officer Sunderland City Council Civic Centre Sunderland SR2 7DN


Tel: 0191 5205555